Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Winter Solstice: A Turning Point - From Darkness to Light

Winter Solstice is the time of the year when the sun is at the lowest and weakest, a pivotal point from which the light will grow stronger and brighter with each passing day. This is a turning point of the year. It is the shortest and darkest day of the year reminding us of the importance of the sun to life on the planet, and the symbology of light as indicators of renewel.

Without darkness we can't have light, and the beginning of gestation is where fertility takes place..... here in the dark, is the beginning of life.

This winter light a candle and give thanksgiving for something in the past, and in the present and then send a blessing for the year to come. Light a candle for someone you love, light a candle for someone you need to forgive and make peace with, light a candle for yourself, for we are often the hardest on ourselves, light a candle for someone you don't know but needs strength to carry on, light a candle for homeless children and lost souls who need to find their way back home.

Sometimes we need to be the one who holds the light, who shines like a beacon so others can find their way, sometimes we are the one who needs someone to help us find the light and carries us when the path is unlit and we can't see which way to turn.

This year allow the spark from your soul to light up your life and transform your existence from the routine to the passionate, allowing an unfolding of your unique story and purpose in the world.

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