Saturday, October 30, 2010


Tis the season of pumpkins, jack o' lanterns, candy corn, bats, wild witches brew, costume and masks. Every age in America loves to participate in the ancient ritual. Many businesses allow their staff to dress up, so don't be surprised if you go into Bank of America and see a teller dressed up as Cinderella or a Witch, restaurants, shopkeepers, you name it.......of course school parties, and after school and midnight Trick or Treating, Disco's and Amusement Parks fame themselves with Haunted Houses.
And what is it that is so magical about this day.......the wonderful and freeing opportunity to be a child and to dress up, and be someone else with the full permission of the society. Costumes   give us the chance to be an angel or a devil, to create the dark or light side of ourselves. For that matter all celebrations or festivals that allow costumes and masks lets us become a free spirited, spontaneous child again. 

I'll never forget the year when I was driving to a costume party in Los Angeles, I was 26, and dressed up as Mother Nature. I wore a wild natural of curls sprayed gold, my eyes painted with rainbows, and long bright blue eyelashes,white skin, painted bright red lips, and lightening bolt going through my hair, and a tiny bird attached to my flimsy dress. Wouldn't you know it, my battery died in the middle of traffic. Lucky enough it was by a supermarket, so I  got out of the car and easily gained assistance with alot of honking and hooting horns.

I walked in the market to make a phone call, no cellulars then, and was greeted by numerous people..."Hey how ya doing tonight.....who are you?" While I was there I  made a call to the Automobile Club, the shop manager asked me " Wait a minute if your Mother Nature how come you need help? You can do anything" Yes, I was Mother Nature for the night but I could not charge my own battery, I had to wait for the Auto Club , but I enjoyed every minute of this. My embarassment lasted for 5 minutes and then I had fun.....I felt very empowered "No one messes with Mother Nature!!!"

So what is this really all about................let your inner child speak and express itself. There is so much wisdom, so much joy and creativity that this part of yourself embraces. It is the part that loves to play, sing and laugh, build sand castles, finger paint, fly kites and play on swings and slides, blow bubbles and catch snowflakes on our tongues, or go Trick Or Treating. Today let your inner child play and do something joyful, that brings a smile to your face and lightens your heart. Allow yourself the pure spirt of childlike joy to radiate your soul, and balance your being, with simple and pure pleasure.
Let the magic begin within your heart,
With Love

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Autumn The Season of Change

              I grew up in the mid west, Chicago to be more exact. I watched the leaves change, ever so slowly. First there would be a few yellow leaves, next a few more on the ground and before too long the leaves would be turning yellow, orange, crimson and red. Every season brings forth something unique, autumn, the light filters through the sky differently, it begins to get dark earlier, the earth begins to smell different, the air becomes cooler at night and the sky sometimes deeper blue, sunsets and colors appear richer, and birds are departing for the south to a warmer climate. 

To this day it doesn't matter where I am if I smell someone burning leaves it takes me back immediately to Chicago, where people gathered and raked their leaves into large piles and would burn them, the smell was special, rich from the woods and trees. One of my favorite activities at this season was going "Crunching" finding piles of leaves and run through them, crunching dried leaves with my feet. Autumn brought different foods, warm and flavorful soups, tart Jonathan and Macintosh apples, taffy apples, apple pies, chicken pies....sweet potatoes and turkey in another month at Thanksgiving. For some autumn is a sad season reminding us everything has an ending,  leaves fall, flowers die, animals hibernate, until the right moment in time that there is a rebirth, after winter when we are reborn into spring. Depending on where you live there are many places where you barely notice the difference between summer and fall, until the clocks are turned back or the first cold rain. However, the seasons do change, however subtle it may appear, autumn will come and go.
         So before the season ends, open your heart to autumn, the season of change: what are you prepared to release, let go of and say goodbye to and what you are prepared to bring forth into you life. Do not be afraid to walk down a new path, open a new chapter or create a new memory..... or if you have the wonderful opportunity go crunching!    To Every Season   With love  Keren

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Who Am I

I believe we are similar in our deepest desires and hopes as human beings, but how we process our emotions and thoughts, and express ourselves according to our life story, is what makes us so uniquely special. 

Sometimes we have the feeling of being stuck, in a rut, we can't move forward and nor can we go backward, a neutral zone. Sometimes we need to stay in this place, a kind of cocoon where we hibernate until we have the strength and belief in ourselves to take the next step in life. 

However if we stay in that place too long we can feel frozen, suspended in time, separated from our true self, and feel we are living but not fully alive. Just going through the motions, these motions can become habitual, keeping up the status quot, however the longer we stay in this place we either can become numb, build up resentment, which becomes anger and when it has gone on too long it can become rage, or fear, turning into anxiety, 
and panic.

There may come a point in our life when it is too difficult to process these feelings and thoughts alone. Working with someone other than family or friend, a professional who can reflect, guide, teach, mentor, and remind us of who we really are from a fresh perspective is one of the keys to healing through counseling.

What kind of therapy can I offer you? I'm very eclectic and creative in my approach. I will focus on who you are, your style and personality, and  together we will find the right approach to help you move forward.

Exploring your family of origin helps in identifying rules and faulty belief patterns we have internalized from childhood, understanding how we cope under stress and fear, finding new coping stances to strengthen ourselves, some people need a very cognitive approach, others need a more creative outlet of  exploration through art, painting, journals, guided imagery, stories....dreams.
What ever the problem is we can go there.... as Virginia Satir said "The problem is often not the problem but the coping is the problem."
With Love To You

Saturday, October 9, 2010

It Takes Courage to Be Who You Truly Are

The poet E. E. Cumming so eloquently describes our life quest "It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are." It is my sincere desire to guide, support and counsel others on their life journey.

I see my role in empowering the strengths and resources in others, focusing on health and possibilities instead of pathology.

We often are living our life for others rather than creating the life we truly want to live.  Be brave and take a deep breath.....
The difference between fear and excitement is ONE BREATH
Open your heart and mind toward new possibilities..........
With love and shalom 