Hi! I'm back after many months of winter hibernation. For many people the winter months provide a needed time to find solitude and inner strength. Did you go to your cave....a metaphorical womb?
Some people have difficulty waking up, opening their eyes and taking a deep breath. Don't be afraid to wake up, take small steps and nurture yourself. What did you discover about yourself? And what do you need in order to spring board to a new level, for spring is about moving forward.
Growing up in Chicago winter was often very long, sometimes as early as October and lasting until the beginning of April. One of my favorite spring symbols were the purple and yellow crocus. It was always the first flower to push its way through the frozen earth, even after a late March snowfall. So fragile and yet so resilient, it was the flower that gave me hope and told me spring had truly arrived. No matter how it may have appeared on the outside, cold, gray and dreary, if there were crocuses at the back door, I knew that spring was around the corner. The crocuses reminded me not to rely on only what you see but also what you intuitively know.
Sometimes it is hard to find the symbols that tell us what we need to know. These symbols are all around us, sometimes very subtle, and sometimes bold. It is the beauty of these symbols that add to the joy and mystery of our life. Sometimes the symbol is a song that plays on the radio, a scent, color or dream that triggers a memory or new awareness, a story that keeps repeating, people that we are thinking about and then they suddenly appear in our life, an animal or pet that unexpectedly arrives, or Purple Crocuses.
Embrace the spring and watch for those "amazing" symbols and signs.
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