Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Be Still My Beating Heart

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye"
Antone de Saint Exepery

It was the end of winter that Lulu came into our life. Everything in my intellect said "Are you mad, crazy, what are you thinking? You'll get sick, you'll develop severe asthma, you could stop breathing, you could die"
Everything in my heart said " You have nothing to fear, you can overcome this, and you will overcome your fear and this little furry creature can heal you" I looked down on the ground at her big round eyes, she was sick and fearful after being chased and poisoned. At that moment I felt my heart expand and an overwhelming feeling of unconditional love overcame me........I knew I had to take this little one.
My stepson picked her up in his hands, and we walked uptstairs. When we opened th door, my partner was shocked and overjoyed, he looked at me and said, "Are you sure about this?" I said, "Yes, I'm sure, I've wanted a cat my entire life, now its time." The timing couldn't be more perfect, as he had a broken ankle and was housebound for the next two months, I knew she would also help comfort him, and our son would delight in the company of a kitten. Now all I had to do was overcome my fear. To overcome my fear I was going to have to become active in my healing.
Just taking an inhaler or medication was not going to be adequate, that is a very passive form of coping. I was going to have to become active in my healing of allergy and asthmatic reaction to cats. In this case I followed my heart and this became a life changing event.

Dr. Caroline Myss, author of Anatomy of the Spirit and a known medical intuitive psychologist points out the value and importance of learning how to interpret your health symbolically. Observing what  causes you to lose power and where you feel the loss in your body, this is the symbolic language of energy. Energy information is always truthful. Although a person may say one thing, his energy will state how he really feels, and his real feelings will find there way to a symbolic statement. Our biological and spiritual systems always seek to speak the truth.

When I had an allergic reaction to cats I actually felt the loss of energy in my body, in my lungs and heart, I wheezed, I coughed, I couldn't catch my breath. I felt lonely and sad, because I so desired this connection and denied myself this deep inner longing. Once I embraced this feeling and allowed my heart to expand filled with compassion, love and reaching out, instead of withdrawing from fear, as I did when I was a child, I overcame this allergy.  It is similar to the concept of homeopathic medicine in order to overcome the symptom, or dis-ease. your symptom is matched to a natural remedy, that replicates the symptom, thus mirroring exactly what you are
avoiding, thus strengthening your body and mind. 

I  must say it took disciplined effort to overcome my fear, but here's the most important point, I wanted to heal, I wanted to take action. I had to remind myself not to panic and to breath, sometimes I cried and thought this will never work, how can I overcome something like this, my partner gave me Reiki frequently, sometimes I wore a surgical mask, sometimes I had to leave the apartment for a awhile until I felt grounded again, I vacumed the house with a hepa vacume, I used homeopathic remedies and eventually my immune system became stronger and I started to believe cats were not dangersous. (Remember this was a belief system that had developed since was a little girl, around 5 to be exact) Now I was in control not allergies. It was a powerful process, but now I have 3 beautiful cats and they often sleep in my bed!

Allow your heart to be still.....quiet your mind and then ask yourself if I was to step outside my comfort zone and embrace something new, what might that be? Where in my life have I been losing power/energy, what have I been avoiding but  desired? What might that be? Trust your inner, creative voice, and take that first step.